How to write meeting minutes (With free meetings minutes template)

Statistics show that UK workers spend about four hours per week in “unproductive” meetings, which equates to a year of their lives. For small businesses and startups, this is a significant loss of time and resources.
One way to check that your own meetings are efficient and productive is to know how to write meeting minutes. If you leave a meeting with clear, concise, actionable minutes, it’s likely it was worth having.
Effective meeting minutes not only record what was discussed and decided, they also help keep attendees accountable and informed, and give your meetings pace and structure.
In short, your team and your business will be much better placed if you know how to write minutes of meetings.
This guide provides expert tips on how to write meeting minutes so that you can meet with your team more effectively. We’ve also included free meeting minutes templates (UK) to make it even easier for you to get started.
What are meeting minutes?
Put simply, minutes are the written record of a meeting.
Meeting minutes are used to document what was discussed and decided in a meeting for the benefit of attendees and non-attendees alike. Minutes can also provide structure for meetings, as they give you a framework to follow.
Depending on the type of meeting, minutes usually serve to do one or more of the following:
- Record discussions
- Record actions and timelines (and enable follow-up)
- Are for legal and/or audit purposes
- Provide structure and accountability.
Knowing how to write minutes of meetings is a skill that’s worth learning, as they make all the difference to productivity and employee engagement. Unproductive meetings are a time vacuum that can frustrate and irritate even your most committed employees.
At Charlie, we hold meetings in small and large groups and document all discussions. To do this, we always assign someone to take the minutes – it's a great way to keep ourselves accountable for each meeting and get takeaway actions by the end.
Who usually takes the minutes of meetings?
It’s a good idea to assign someone who knows how to write minutes of meetings, but that’s not always possible in a small business setting.
Ideally, the minute-taker will have professional experience in taking minutes, like someone in a PA or secretarial role. But in small companies, minute-takers are more likely to be a meeting participant who has volunteered to do the job.
To spread the load, you could have a rota so that everyone shares the minute-taking responsibility. It’s likely that the person taking the minutes will not be able to contribute to discussions as easily, so divvying up the job is the fairest solution.
Some companies also use software or apps designed for recording minutes that help to streamline the process and ensure accuracy.
A new way to do it is to also use AI software that will automatically record and transcript what you've been discussing, but it can be quite costly, so may not be the best idea for a small business.
What should be included in meeting minutes?
When it comes to minutes, certain elements should always be included. Here’s how to write minutes of meetings:
- Type of meeting: what kind of meeting it is
- Meeting location: where the meeting took place (not applicable if you meet in the same place every time)
- Date and time: including the start and end time of the meeting
- Attendees: list of people who attended, including their roles or titles
- Discussion points: summary of what was talked about
- Outcomes: if any decisions were made, note what they were and why
- Actions: agreed actions and who is responsible (and timeframes/deadlines if applicable)
- Date and time of next meeting: when the next meeting will be held
- AOB (any other business): additional points raised by any attendee
Why should minutes be taken during meetings?
Meeting minutes are essential for several reasons:
- Accurate record keeping: minutes provide a reliable record of what happened during a meeting, which is important because details can easily be forgotten/misremembered
- Clarity and productivity: minutes outline any decisions made, making it clear who needs to do what and by when
- Decision-making: minutes can help in making future decisions by setting down what was agreed upon previously, and the thinking behind it
- Legal protection: minutes serve as official documents and can protect the organisation legally
- Structure and continuity: minutes provide a framework for a meeting, help new attendees understand what was previously discussed, and ensure that discussions stay fresh rather than repetitive.
7 top tips on how to write minutes of meetings
1.Prepare a meeting agenda
The agenda is the goal of the meeting broken down into steps. Before you meet, take some time to put together an agenda. It should include:
- Date
- Time
- Meeting venue
- Objectives and sub-topics
2.Use a meeting minutes template (UK version)
A meeting minutes template (UK) is a ready-made framework that you can use and adapt time and time again.
Using a meeting minutes template means you don't waste precious time deciding what to include or how to organise it. Instead, you can focus on participating in the meeting discussion and taking accurate and detailed records.
After the meeting, it's also much quicker to review minutes based on a consistent template or locate specific information.
3.Record attendance
Before the meeting, make a note of members who can't attend.
During the meeting, update the list with any additional absences and record everyone who’s present. You could even use an attendance sheet where attendees sign in or simply tick their names.
4.Listen actively
When it comes to taking minutes, the ability to listen, absorb, and accurately record what’s discussed is vital.
If you encounter any points of confusion, ask for clarification. It’s much better to have something repeated or explained than to record it incorrectly.
Summarising the key discussion points is really important. Meeting minutes provide a concise overview that serves as a reliable record for the future.
5.Write down actions
During the meeting, record all assigned tasks, noting who is responsible for each and any deadlines for completion. This ensures accountability and easy follow-up after the meeting.
6. Note decisions and resolutions
Make sure to record any decisions made during the meeting, along with the reasoning behind them. This helps provide context for future reference.
7.Review and distribute
After the meeting, review the minutes for accuracy and distribute them to all participants (including those who could not attend). It’s good practice to ask them to also review the minutes and let you know if anything needs adding or correcting.
5 x meeting minutes template (UK business-applicable) examples
A minutes template provides a structure to help you organise and capture all the important points discussed at a meeting. We use templates to save time and run consistently productive meetings at Charlie.
Below are five free meeting minute templates for you to use. (Don't be afraid to adapt and make these meetings minute samples your own.)
Agenda-based minutes template
What's it for: formal meetings with a planned agenda.
Best for: board meetings, project updates, or any meeting with a set plan.
Meeting Title: [Title]
Attendees: [List of Attendees]
Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
Approval of Previous Meetings: [Brief summary of previous meeting approval]
Agenda Items Discussed: [Summary of agenda items discussed]
Discussions and Decisions: [Detailed discussion points and decisions]
Confidentiality: [Any confidential matters discussed]
Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
Chairperson's Signature: [Signature]
Informal meeting minutes template
What's it for: casual or unplanned meetings.
Best for: quick team catch-ups, brainstorming sessions, or informal discussions.
Meeting Title: [Title]
Attendees: [List of Attendees]
Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
Key Decisions: [Summary of key decisions made]
Action Steps: [Steps identified for follow-up]
Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
Signature: [Optional]
Narrative minutes template
What's it for: detailed discussions, decisions, and different opinions.
Best for: strategy talks, negotiations, or complex planning sessions.
Meeting Title: [Title]
Attendees: [List of Attendees]
Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
Detailed Meeting Narrative: [Narrative detailing discussions, decisions, and viewpoints]
External References: [Links to external documents or resources discussed]
Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
Chairperson's Signature: [Signature]
Resolution minutes template
What's it for: documenting final decisions.
Best for: resolving conflicts, approving decisions, or urgent meetings.
Meeting Title: [Title]
Attendees: [List of Attendees]
Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
Decisions Made: [Record of decisions made]
Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
Chairperson's Signature: [Signature]
Action minutes template
What's it for: listing who needs to do what, by when.
Best for: project planning, assigning tasks, or keeping track of actions.
Meeting Title: [Title]
Attendees: [List of Attendees]
Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
Action Items: [List of tasks, responsible parties, and deadlines]
Follow-up Mechanism: [Confirmation process for completed actions]
Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
Chairperson's Signature: [Signature]
So now you know how to write meeting minutes and have everything you need to run them professionally and productively at your own small business.
Use any of the minute templates above and feel free to adapt them over time to better suit your team and unique business style.
What are meeting minutes?
Put simply, minutes are the recording or written documentation of a meeting. Meeting minutes are used to inform attendees and non-attendees of what was discussed and decided in a meeting.
For example, here at Charlie, we frequently hold meetings, both in small groups and larger conferences, and often require documentation of the discussions. To achieve this, someone is usually assigned to take meeting notes, commonly referred to as minutes.
Depending on the type of meeting held, writing minutes may serve the following purposes:
- Recording discussions
- Recording actions and enabling follow-up
- Legal and/or audit purposes
- Giving structure and staying accountable
Who usually takes these minutes at meetings?
- The minute-taker could be a professional notetaker, who has only been hired to take minutes, or a secretarial support staff or a meeting participant who has volunteered/picked to do the job.
- In small companies, it’s more common to have rotating roles for taking minutes to ensure everyone shares the responsibility.
- Some organisations also use software or apps specifically designed for minute-taking to streamline the process and ensure accuracy.
What should be included in a meeting minute?
To write meeting minutes appropriately, these elements should always be included in your meeting notes.
- Type of meeting: this just means what kind of meeting it is, like setting business objective examples or OKRs for example.
- Meeting location: where the meeting took place, unless the organisation meets in the same area every time.
- Date and time of the meeting: when the meeting happened, including the start and end times.
- Name of the attendees: list of people who participated in the meeting, including their roles or titles.
- Topics discussed: Summary of what was talked about during the meeting, like agenda items or important discussions.
- Voting outcomes: if any decisions were made by voting, note what those decisions were and the results.
- Next meeting date and place: when and where the next meeting will be held, if it's already been decided.
Additional points to be added can also include:
- Key points discussed during the meeting.
- Any actions and agreements they came to.
- When actions will be completed - timescales and deadlines.
- The person(s) responsible for carrying out these actions.
Why should meeting notes be taken during meetings?
Meeting notes are essential for several reasons:
- Accurate record keeping: they provide a reliable record of what happened during the meeting, which is helpful if there are disagreements later on.
- Driving action: they outline decisions made during the meeting, making it clear who needs to do what and by when.
- Decision-making: meeting notes help in making future decisions by showing what was agreed upon previously.
- Legal Protection: they serve as official documents that can protect the organisation legally.
- Structure and Continuity: Meeting notes provide a framework for the meeting and help new members understand what has been discussed previously. They also ensure that discussions move forward rather than repeating topics.
You can also check our board of director meetings minute template – a guide for leaders.
7 tips for effective minute taking meetings
1.Prepare a meeting agenda
Before the meeting, review the agenda and ensure it's comprehensive and well-structured. The agenda is the goal of the meeting broken down into smaller, easy-to-digest pieces.
A good meeting agenda should have:
- Date
- Time
- Meeting venue
- Objectives and sub-topics
2.Use a meeting minute template
When you have a meeting minute template, it acts like a ready-made framework for jotting down all the crucial details during a meeting.
This means you don't waste precious time deciding what to include or how to organise it. Instead, you can focus on actively participating in the discussion.
Plus, after the meeting, it's much quicker to review and find specific information because everything is neatly laid out.
3.Record attendance
Before the meeting starts, keep track of members who can't attend and let the Chair know.
During the meeting, update the list with any additional absences. Use an attendance sheet to mark who's present.
You can either have members sign in or tick their names. Make sure to include everyone accurately to avoid any misunderstandings.
4.Listen actively
When it comes to taking minutes, the ability to listen, absorb and record what is being said is critical. If you encounter any points of confusion during the meeting, ask for clarification from the participants.
Asking for clarification helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the meeting outcomes.
5.Write down action items
During the meeting, it's essential to record all assigned tasks, noting who is responsible for each task and setting clear deadlines for completion. This ensures accountability and facilitates follow-up actions after the meeting.
Additionally, summarising the key points discussed by each speaker is crucial. This summary provides a concise overview of the meeting's discussions, helping participants retain important information and ensuring everyone is aligned on the outcomes and action items.
6. Note Decisions and Resolutions
Make sure to record any decisions made during the meeting, along with the reasoning behind them. This helps provide context for future reference.
7.Review and distribute
After the meeting, review your notes for accuracy before distributing them to participants. This ensures everyone has a clear understanding of what was discussed and what needs to be done next.
5 meeting minutes templates and examples
A best practice for writing effective meeting notes would be to use a structure that helps you organise and capture all the important points discussed during the meeting.
This is how we save time and run effective meetings at Charlie. Below, I've included minute templates that you can use.
Agenda-based minutes template
What's it for: Writing down what was discussed and decided during formal meetings with a planned agenda.
Best for: Board meetings, project updates, or any meeting with a set plan.
- Meeting Title: [Title]
- Attendees: [List of Attendees]
- Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
- Approval of Previous Meetings: [Brief summary of previous meeting approval]
- Agenda Items Discussed: [Summary of agenda items discussed]
- Discussions and Decisions: [Detailed discussion points and decisions]
- Confidentiality: [Any confidential matters discussed]
- Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
- Chairperson's Signature: [Signature]
Informal meeting minutes template
What's it for: Jotting down key points from casual, unplanned meetings.
Best for: Quick team catch-ups, brainstorming sessions, or informal discussions.
- Meeting Title: [Title]
- Attendees: [List of Attendees]
- Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
- Key Decisions: [Summary of key decisions made]
- Action Steps: [Steps identified for follow-up]
- Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
- Signature: [Optional]
Narrative minutes template
What's it for: Recording detailed discussions, decisions, and different opinions.
Best for: Important strategy talks, negotiations, or complex planning sessions.
- Meeting Title: [Title]
- Attendees: [List of Attendees]
- Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
- Detailed Meeting Narrative: [Narrative detailing discussions, decisions, and viewpoints]
- External References: [Links to external documents or resources discussed]
- Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
- Chairperson's Signature: [Signature]
Resolution minutes template
What's it for: Documenting final decisions without going into the details of how they were made.
Best for: Resolving conflicts, approving decisions, or urgent meetings where speed matters.
- Meeting Title: [Title]
- Attendees: [List of Attendees]
- Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
- Decisions Made: [Record of decisions made]
- Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
- Chairperson's Signature: [Signature]
5. Action minutes template
What's it for: Listing who needs to do what, by when, after a meeting.
Best for: Project planning, assigning tasks, or keeping track of action items.
- Meeting Title: [Title]Attendees: [List of Attendees]
- Apologies: [List of Absentees with Apology]
- Action Items: [List of tasks, responsible parties, and deadlines]
- Follow-up Mechanism: [Confirmation process for completed actions]
- Date of Next Meeting: [Next meeting date]
- Chairperson's Signature: [Signature]
So there, you have it! Feel free to use these minute templates whenever you need to document meetings or discussions. Use any of the minute templates above and feel free to adapt them over time to better suit your team and unique business style.