

Performance reviews that drive real growth

Give your team the high-impact reviews they need (without drowning in admin).

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Have meaningful performance reviewsHave meaningful performance reviews

Save time with faff-free review setup

Less meetings, messages, and emails to get reviews off the ground. With Charlie, they're quick to set up and easy to launch.

  • Simple review-builder: create and launch in seconds

  • Automated launch: easily roll out recurring reviews

  • Built-in templates: probation, exit interview and more

Choose from best-practice templatesChoose from best-practice templates

It's time to get progression off the back burner

Charlie guides managers through every step of the review process to make sure every team member gets what they need to grow.

Stay in the loop (without micromanaging)

Get a clear overview of progress and make sure that reviews are completed on time, without needing to chase.

  • Cycle dashboard: oversee from a single view

  • Track progress: check on review status and spot hold-ups

  • Automatic reminders: helps encourage completion

Check on review progress
Check on review progress

Get the full picture on your team's progression

Unlock a fairer, more complete understanding of individual performance with 360° feedback.

  • Different perspectives: helps combat manager bias

  • Peer-to-peer feedback: for a more holistic view

  • Zero faff: all your reviews in one place

Gather 360 feedbackGather 360 feedback
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Visualise your data, understand your team

Understand at a glance:

  • How much holiday different people have taken

  • Who’s needed more sick days than normal

  • Who looks like they could need a break

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Create and export reports in a single click. Choose from ready-made templates or design your own with our custom builder – either way, Charlie helps you turn data into good decisions.

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With Charlie, difficult and time-consuming calculations happen in the background, with no supervision required.

Set it up once, then forget it – Charlie provides clear, simple, accurate records that you can absolutely trust.

  • Calculate leave entitlement for new starters

  • Pro rate calculations done for you

  • Holiday rollover happens automatically

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Charlie sweats the details, so you don’t have to

Make your HR effortless

Chris Wallis

“I’m blown away by how useful Charlie’s Reviews has been. It’s enabled some really high-quality conversations within our team that I know just wouldn't have happened otherwise.”

Chris Wallis, CEO and co-founder @ Intruder

Book your free demo now