Discover all of Charlie's features.

Automatic notifications

Daily updates

9am update detailing who is away from the office that day

9am update detailing who is away from the office that day

Weekly digest

A personalised email Monday morning on what's happening that week

A personalised email Monday morning on what's happening that week

Birthday reminders

An email 7 days and 1 day in advance of all birthdays

An email 7 days and 1 day in advance of all birthdays

Work anniversary reminders

An email 7 days and 1 day in advance of all work anniversaries

An email 7 days and 1 day in advance of all work anniversaries

Custom reminders

Create reminders for key dates at your business (probations, performance reviews, etc).

Create reminders for key dates at your business (probations, performance reviews, etc).

Slack integration

Recieve all notifications in Slack

Recieve all notifications in Slack

Charlie integrates with your favourite tools

Get started now, it takes
just 10 minutes to set up.

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